KW27B 80dB 27dBm Commercial Mobile Signal Booster LTE Tri-band 4G Mobile Signal Repeater from Leading manufacturer of Lintratek for Hotel/Office/Market
KW27B mobile signal booster 4g lte mobile signal repeater from Lintratek manufacturers
High gain 80 dBi, signal coverage can reach 1,000m² / 11,000ft²
Super performance 4g signal amplifier, originated from Lintratek Signal Booster
Recommended signal amplifier supporting scheme
How the lte repeater work?
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Lintratek Repeater Company offers a wide range of 4G repeaters and fiber signal boosters to cater to different needs and budgets. Whether you’re a homeowner, business owner, or frequent traveler, they have a solution for you. Their repeaters are designed to be durable, easy to install, and most importantly, highly effective in boosting your 4G fiber signals.
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